Presidents Message November 2015

The month of November is one of my favorite months of the year.  It's a wonderful time to reflect on all I have to be thankful for in my personal and professional life.  It's a time to reflect on my appreciation for our loyal and supporting customers. 

November is also a time to show support for all the small businesses in our community that provide for our community in so many more ways than just delivering quality products and services at reasonable cost, if not lower cost, than their big-box brethren.  No matter what you're looking to purchase or service you desire, chances are there is a local alternative convenient to your home or workplace.  When you shop locally your hard earned money gets reinvested locally.  Local businesses are employing your neighbors with quality jobs and paying taxes to support our schools and emergency services.  Money spent locally has a multiplying effect in the community as local businesses contribute disproportionately more time and money into local non-profit organizations and youth groups.  Local businesses use local sources to improve craftsmanship, reliability of delivery, quality and freshness or just to support the local community.

As the holiday buying season approaches I ask and challenge you to shop a small business first.  Saturday, November 28th (following Black Friday) is Small Business Saturday.  Take the extra few minutes to consider the local alternatives before running to the big-box behemoths.  Your neighbors may not thank you directly but their Thanksgiving dinner, or brighter holiday season, may be in a small way thanks to you.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Kevin R. Goffe
President & CEO
 Dean Bank

Dean Bank obtains 95% of its funding locally and reinvests that money in local housing, businesses and through other consumer financing needs.  Despite our small size in the financial services marketplace, Dean Bank has provided over $1 billion in residential housing finance over the past 15 years.  Thank you for ranking us the #1 Community Bank in the region by voters in the CNC Reader’s Choice 8 years running!